Open Call for Broadcasting During Quarantine

Due to the novel Coronavirus. outbreak, everyone’s gigs, CD release parties, and events are being canceled. Schools are going online. People are working from home, making from home, and generally stuck at home. So RFG has decided to go totally open-broadcast during to provide a channel for information, education, and entertainment during this time.

Got a new album? We’ll play it. Got a mix tape? We’ll play it. Got a show you want to make and broadcast? We’ll play it. We’re here for you during this time. And we’ll broadcast anything you got. The only rule is "No Hate.”

So reach out on Twitter, Instagram, email, or through this website and submit something for the quarantine broadcast.


  • Your name (or pseudonym)

  • Either or both:

    • A link to download your track/show/etc. (MP3 192kbps preferred)

    • A link to stream your track/show/etc. (won’t make it into rotation, but will definitely broadcast it ;-)

  • Optional: A short description (like a sentence or two)

And as always, keep listening to each other.

@freegowanus (twitter, facebook, etc.)

Michael ClemowComment